Shipping Policy | SPRAYORIGN

Delivery Process:

Once your order is processed, we meticulously inspect each product to ensure it meets our quality standards. After passing our rigorous checks, your items are carefully packed and entrusted to our reliable delivery partners. They work diligently to deliver your package to you as quickly as possible. If they encounter any issues reaching your address or coordinating a suitable delivery time, they'll get in touch with you to resolve the matter.

International Shipping:

For international clients, please note that you won't pay import duties to SprayOrign. Instead, you'll need to settle any customs duties with the courier provider to receive your product.


We take pride in the quality of our packaging. Your products are carefully placed in SPRAYORIGN branded boxes, with each item individually wrapped in bubble wrap. Fragile items like bottles receive additional bubble wrap for extra protection during transit.

Shipping Locations:

SPRAYORIGN ships products across India!

Tracking Your Order:

Once your order is shipped, you'll receive an email containing your tracking number and details of the courier company handling your delivery. You can track your package's status 24 hours after it's dispatched from our warehouse. Here are some of our trusted courier partners:

Estimated Delivery Time:

We typically dispatch most orders within 1-2 business days, excluding Sundays and public holidays. While 95% of our catalogue is stocked in our inventory, certain products may need to be sourced directly from the brand to ensure freshness and quality. This may cause a slight delay in your order. Additionally, during sale events, dispatches may be delayed due to high order volumes. However, we aim to dispatch all orders within 5 days of the order date.

Shipping Charges:

We offer standard Free Shipping for all orders.